Your personalized program will include:
Weekly or bi-weekly coaching calls via Zoom Conference
Delineation of reasonable and attainable goals that will challenge and inspire you
Reasonable action steps that will help you to break through any blocks and obstacles that keep you stuck
Email's from to offering support and guidance to keep you on track in between sessions
Creative Mindfulness Coaching
Fall in Love with Yourself!
Fall in love with your life!
Fall in love—Live Your Most Creative & Inspired Life.
What is Creative Mindfulness Coaching?
Merriam-Webster defines Mindfulness as the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis.
And the word Create to bring into existence.
Thus, Creative Mindfulness is the ability to live with a nonjudgmental state of awareness and creativity. To infuse creativity into all aspects of your life—work, play, relationships, and more.
Why Creative Mindfulness Coaching? Some of the benefits are:
Increased joy and passion
Inner strength and wisdom due to deepened sense of intuition
Kick fear in the butt
Breakthrough blocks and fears that keep you stuck
Clarify your purpose and set reasonable and attainable goals
Deeper and more meaningful connection with yourself and those in your life
A feeling of strength and courage as you overcome obstacles with grace and creativity
A newfound sense of ease and confidence
The ultimate goal is to live your most Creative and Inspired life.