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Carolyn Ziel is as master facilitator who learns whatever she teaches deep into her psyche and knows how to translate those concepts effectively. She has studied METHOD WRITING with me for over a decade, and has an intuitive grasp of its concepts that transcend mere rote repetition. Most important of all, she has an empathic sense of what the student needs and conveys both art and life lessons in a thoughtful and caring manner.

Jack Grapes ~ Award-winning poet, playwright, actor, teacher,
and creator of Method Writing©

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I have learned more from you in a couple of weeks than I have in 20 years of writing classes. Carolyn is one of those rare, brilliant people who know how to teach their craft as well as practice it. Take a class from Carolyn, you deserve to invest in yourself. The world needs to hear your voice, and Carolyn knows exactly how to help you find it! Thank you, Carolyn, for helping me find mine."

Tamara McCleary ~ CEO Thulium

After publishing two books I didn't write for a full year. I tried to get back into the habit of writing, but I just couldn't. Everything and anything got in the way. So, I took Adventures In Writing to add some accountability. What I didn't expect was for it to transform my writing, my brain, and my life. I am not only writing daily again, but I am experiencing a whole new story. The exercises have me stretching and letting go of controlling every word. What's landing on the page in front of me is far better than I could have painstakingly crafted. Wow! This is fun! 

Sue Skalicky ~ Author

I’ve always had a voice—a voice as a girl, as a daughter, as a wife and a mother and a business woman. But it was working with you and Method Writing, that led me to uncover my own voice. Finding my authentic voice has been and continues to be transformative.

Teresa Brodkin ~ Retired Fashion Executive

"I thought about your teaching this morning - joyful and supportive.
Your contribution to the amazing shift in my life,
starting to write again, is priceless." 

Mia Li

"Carolyn has a wealth of knowledge and a keen eye, two essential qualities of an inspiring and experienced editor.

She helped me to sharpen a story I was working on, and had good ideas on ways to make it stronger.  I also appreciated her suggestions on where to submit the story. 

I recommend Carolyn. She is an asset to anyone working on a story, essay, or novel."

Jessica Copen

Carolyn is an amazing writer and teacher! I started her class over a year ago and have never taken a writing class, so I had no idea what to expect and she has been truly inspirational. She has given me the tools and confidence to believe I am a writer. I highly recommend anyone looking for a class setting or even private’s to seek her out. I promise that you will find your voice on the page with Carolyn as your teacher! 

Kaci McCrossen

Your coaching and writing classes have so inspired my creative writing. I do look at writing with a new perspective and ownership. Your tips and encouragement have allowed me to open up, giving myself permission to write about anything at any time. I'm traditionally restrained and self-conscious with my writing, but your guidance has really lifted those burdens. I now see myself as a writer and have even referred to myself as such in recent conversations, and that feels good. I've never done that before. For all of this, I thank you!

Carolyn Reynolds

Carolyn is a force of love. Not only is she compassionate, but Carolyn possesses a playfulness and earnest joy that make it easy to let your guard down and do the deep work.  Also, she’s funny as hell.

Angela Lanahan

I am grateful to have found Carolyn. After just six weeks I was able to find my way and feel more confident about my writing. I don't have a background in writing and although I have taken a few other classes, working with Carolyn has made the biggest difference to me.  The method Carolyn teaches has given me the structure I was looking for and there is still much more to learn. Having a weekly commitment has helped to make writing a priority. I look forward to continuing on with the Carolyn and seeing where my creativity and writing take me.

Laura M. Fischer ~ MBA, ACC, ELI-MP; Q Factor International Inc. Coaching & Consulting

I’ve learned so much in such a short time from Carolyn Ziel! She is a knowledgeable, enthusiastic teacher who made me feel at ease sharing my work in the very first session. She teaches specific techniques and supports all her students in whatever stage of their writing process. I learned so much from her group writing workshop that I’ve signed up to for another series with her!

Carol Adler ~ Your Next Chapter

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